Monthly HOA dues are $430 on the first of each month. (There is a 10-Day Grace Period, but a $25 LATE FEE may be assessed for payments received after the 10th of each month.)

While HOA fees must be paid monthly, you may pay ahead, depending on your preferences.

Two monthly payment options are currently available--(both of which are sent via Postal Mail):

1) Bill pay through your Bank (You ask your Bank to automatically mail Bank Checks to the HOA.)

2) Personal Check (You send/mail Personal Checks yourself; Post-marking is encouraged--to verify date mailed.) Please send Bank or Personal Checks (payable to "Oval West HOA, Inc.") to this mailing address:

Oval West HOA, Inc.

130 US Oval

Plattsburgh, NY


(Note: there is no "130 US OVAL" Building!)

HOA fees